Saturday, November 10, 2007

A.W.Tozer is listed by many as a great writer. He wrote to Christians and the majority of the time he had some real harsh criticism that no one denied were true. Those are generally ignored, even though they are true. One thing interesting I like about him. He called himself a minor prophet and while many toos those ideas out...I don't. He was.

I read this mans words and sometimes I wonder Why can't a christian be a Christian?

  1. One thing is certain, a Christian's standing before God does not depend upon his standing before men.
    1. A high reputation does not make a man dearer to God,
    2. He knows us each one,

As I began to write this BLOG, I realized I had started to Outline the Devotional. Thirty years ago I used to do that with Bulletin Boards (Remember those?) I decided to stop and consider reviving that here as a Almaniacal Idea...,

Benjamin Franklin Christian

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